Search Help - Text search

A search based on keywords allows you to select CVs which include one or more of the words you entered.
If you want to select the CVs which include in their text more than one keyword, just make a list of them and separate them by a blank space.


This allows you to find the CVs which are related to both words

If you want to select the CVs including in their text at least one of the words you have entered, you have to separate the words through a comma.


This allows you to find the CVs which are related to at least one of these words.

The search tool is able to find the CVs you are looking for, even if the words that you obtain derive from a declension of your keyword: for example the keyword strategy also enables you to find the CVs containing the word "strategies".

If you are looking for a word sequence containing in its original version several word which are separated by blank spaces, then the word sequence must be contained between quotation marks. For example, if you write "foreign languages", the search tool will find only those CVs having that two-words sequence.