The Consortium

AlmaLaurea was founded in 1994 with a clear aim: to assess graduates' study performance and job opportunities.

The very idea came from Andrea Cammelli, a professor at the University of Bologna, who wanted to follow students, so graduates, even after graduating, to assess the actual conditions of their studies in relation to the opportunities of real life as in the working environment.

The project plans to carry out targeted surveys and the collection of CV data to facilitate graduates' access to the job market, and thus help them to get in contact with companies by opening up a satisfying career path.

AlmaLaurea is an interuniversity consortium currently representing 82 universities, that is, about 90% of graduates in Italy.

AlmaLaurea system also involves an Ltd. company, namely AlmaLaurea srl, which creates links between companies and graduates.

The Consortium is supported by the Ministry for University and Research and its member universities.

AlmaLaurea Consortium functions, according to its statute, as a Research Body and since 2015 its Statistics Office has been a member of Sistan, the National Statistical System of Italy.


Statistical Surveys

In order to provide reliable documentary grounds to facilitate the planning processes, monitoring and evaluation of the decisions taken by universities, every year the Consortium carries out two annual census surveys on the Profile and Employment status of graduates 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation.

The data are collected from the graduates themselves, during the above-mentioned time periods, and are returned to the member universities, to the Ministry (MIUR), as well as to the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), for monitoring the university system and post-graduate studies thus optimising the planning.



The Consortium also acts as a reference point for graduates of all levels to whom AlmaLaurea offers guidance tools, services, information and opportunities for peer-to-peer comparison. That is to enhance their education and facilitate their entry into the job market.



Graduates' CVs are collected by the Consortium and made available online: nearly 3.960.000 CVs are now available online. The Consortium also supports its member universities in their job placement activities through a web-based intermediation platform.

International Services

AlmaLaurea collaborates with universities, research bodies and institutions at European level, as per the Lisbon Strategy, for a knowledge-based and sustainable growth, with more and better-qualified jobs and an improved social cohesion, contributing to enhance the quality and the effectiveness of the higher education systems, guaranteeing access to all and opening them to the outside world.

Moreover, the Consortium offers its experience and know-how in statistics, information technologies and project design for the development of cooperation initiatives outside Europe among universities, Ministries of Higher Education and private sector stakeholders.

Since 2004, 20 international projects have been successfully carried out, in particular thanks to the European Commission co-financing, with 33 countries involved in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

A network of more than 150 participating partners and more than 50.000 graduates have benefitted from the action of the Consortium at global level.


AlmaLaurea srl

The Consortium helps matching supply and demand for qualified jobs via its wholly-owned subsidiary AlmaLaurea srl, that is sto say an employment agency that acts mainly as an intermediary for the recruitment and selection of personnel.


AlmaDiploma was founded in 2000 as a result of AlmaLaurea's experience and on the initiative of a group of schools based in the province of Florence. The main aim was to support educational establishments - currently more than 250 - in the guidance of students for both study and work, in the evaluation of the educational offer and in the planning of educational activities.
It is a non-profit organisation established in 2000 and recognised as an ETS in 2022.